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Gronk Avoided Running Sprints in the Most Genius Way

Gronk is THAT DUDE. From throwing the football with A-Rod across the streets of NYC to partying down in Tampa after the Super Bowl, he just looks like a top tier dude to have a beer or three with.

The thing is, he also might be an evil genius. He found the most diabolical way to avoid running sprints while he was at home doing virtual workouts. The Bucs players were supposed to record their daily workouts and send them to the coaching staff as a way of being accountable for "doing the work" while everyone was at home. It turns out that Gronk recorded himself running sprints in different color shirts all in one day so he could simply send a different tape to the coaching staff as if he actually was running everyday.

I really respect the hustle because this is totally something I would have done. In fact, I have done something similar. My senior year in college I had to take a running class to finish out my PE requirements to graduate. Why I waited until my last semester is beyond me, but that's what I did. By Senior year, I was no longer the bastion of cardiovascular health that I was a few years prior. I was normally in the back third of the class arriving back at the gym after going on a few mile run. Even my 60-something year old professor would beat me. So to avoid having to finish these ridiculous runs, a couple of my classmates and I would hang out at the Student Union and wait to see everyone run by back to the gym. We then would take some water from the water fountain and throw it on our shirts and hair. Worked like charm. So yeah, I really appreciate what Gronk did. Who the hell likes to run anyway?

Thumbnail image: This image was originally posted to Flickr by All-Pro Reels at It was reviewed on 14 January 2021 by FlickreviewR 2 and was confirmed to be licensed under the terms of the cc-by-sa-2.0.

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